
Tags: linux 





WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module,rerun with XXX


[[email protected] app]# ./stapxx/samples/sample-bt.sxx --arg limit=1000000 --arg time=10  --skip-badvars -x 17816 >resty.bt
WARNING: Start tracing process 17816 (/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx)...
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d (unknown; retry with -DDEBUG_UNWIND)'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d kernel'
WARNING: _stp_read_address failed to access memory location
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d xfs'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d ip_vs'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d nf_conntrack'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d virtio_ring'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d virtio_net'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d nf_nat'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d nf_defrag_ipv4'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d ip_tables'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d nf_conntrack_ipv4'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d xt_comment'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d nf_nat_ipv4'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d iptable_filter'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d br_netfilter'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d bridge'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d iptable_nat'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d xt_mark'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d virtio_pci'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d veth'
WARNING: Time's up. Quitting now...(it may take a while)
ERROR: Skipped too many probes, check MAXSKIPPED or try again with stap -t for more details.
WARNING: Number of errors: 0, skipped probes: 102
WARNING: /usr/bin/staprun exited with status: 1
Pass 5: run failed.  [man error::pass5]

在GitHub上有人问类似的问题Is this WARNING message means that stap can‘t get memory info from specific module??agentzh回答说:

Not really. It's just that systemtap did not load the debug symbols for those dynamically loaded libraries unless explicitly specifying the -d PATH option.


[[email protected] app]# stap++ -h
    stap++ [optoins] [infile]

    --arg NM=VAL    Specify extra user arguments (for $^arg_NM).
    --args          Print all available arguments for --arg.
    -c CMD     start the probes, run CMD, and exit when it finishes
    -d PATH         Load debug info for the specified objects
    -D NM=VAL       Emit macro definition into generated C code.
    -e SCRIPT       Run given script.
    --exec PATH     Specify the executable file path to be traced.
    --help          Print this help.
    -I PATH         Specify the stap++ tapset library search directory.
    --master PID    Specify the master pid whose child processes are traced.
    --sample-pid PID  Sample process to inspect DSO objects to load via -d
    -v              Be verbose.
    -x PID          Sets target() to PID (also for $^exec_path and $^libxxx_path).

回头再看打印的告警信息,原来里面的rerun with就是答案:

WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d kernel'

可以用-d参数一个个指定,但是模块太多了,一个一个指定比较繁琐,打开stap++文件一看,它是个一个perl脚本,最终调用的是stap命令,而stap命令有一个--all-modules参数,直接在里面加上了-t --all-modules -DDEBUG_UNWIND

my $cmd = "stap -t --all-modules -DDEBUG_UNWIND " . quote_sh_args(\@stap_opts) . " -";


[[email protected] app]# ./stapxx/samples/sample-bt.sxx --arg limit=1000000 --arg time=10 --skip-badvars -x 17816 >resty.bt
WARNING: Start tracing process 17816 (/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx)...
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d (unknown; retry with -DDEBUG_UNWIND)'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d kernel'
WARNING: DWARF expression stack underflow in CFI
ERROR: Skipped too many probes, check MAXSKIPPED or try again with stap -t for more details.
WARNING: Number of errors: 0, skipped probes: 102
WARNING: Skipped due to global '__global_bts' lock timeout: 102
WARNING: /usr/bin/staprun exited with status: 1


ERROR信息是“Skipped too many probes, check MAXSKIPPED or try again with stap -t for more details.”,在man stap中找到了这个参数,可以用-D重新设置。


[[email protected] app]# ./stapxx/samples/sample-bt.sxx --arg limit=1000000 --arg time=10 --skip-badvars -x 17816 -D  MAXSKIPPED=1000000 >resty.bt

WARNING: Start tracing process 17816 (/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx)...
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d (unknown; retry with -DDEBUG_UNWIND)'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d kernel'
WARNING: DWARF expression stack underflow in CFI
WARNING: _stp_read_address failed to access memory location
ERROR: probe overhead exceeded threshold
WARNING: Number of errors: 1, skipped probes: 292
WARNING: Skipped due to global '__global_bts' lock timeout: 292
WARNING: /usr/bin/staprun exited with status: 1
Pass 5: run failed.  [man error::pass5]



          Disable -DSTP_OVERLOAD related options as well as -DMAXACTION and -DMAXTRYLOCK.  This option requires guru mode.


  my $cmd = "stap -t --all-modules -DDEBUG_UNWIND -g --suppress-time-limits " . quote_sh_args(\@stap_opts) . " -";


[[email protected] app]# ./stapxx/samples/sample-bt.sxx --arg limit=10000000 --arg time=10 --skip-badvars -x 17816 -D  MAXSKIPPED=100000 >resty.bt
WARNING: Start tracing process 17816 (/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx)...
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d (unknown; retry with -DDEBUG_UNWIND)'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d kernel'
WARNING: DWARF expression stack underflow in CFI
WARNING: _stp_read_address failed to access memory location
WARNING: Time's up. Quitting now...(it may take a while)
WARNING: Number of errors: 0, skipped probes: 0
WARNING: Skipped due to reentrancy: 4




  my $cmd = "stap -t --all-modules " . quote_sh_args(\@stap_opts) . " -";
[[email protected] app]# ./stapxx/samples/sample-bt.sxx --arg time=10 --skip-badvars -x 17816 -D  MAXSKIPPED=100000 >resty.bt
WARNING: Start tracing process 17816 (/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx)...
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d (unknown; retry with -DDEBUG_UNWIND)'
WARNING: DWARF expression stack underflow in CFI
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d kernel'
WARNING: _stp_read_address failed to access memory location
WARNING: Time's up. Quitting now...(it may take a while)
WARNING: Number of errors: 0, skipped probes: 88
WARNING: Skipped due to global '__global_bts' lock timeout: 88


ERROR: Array overflow, check MAXMAPENTRIES near identifier ‘bts’ at input:17:13


[[email protected] app]# ./stapxx/samples/sample-bt.sxx --arg time=20 --skip-badvars -D  MAXSKIPPED=100000  -x 10730 >resty.bt
WARNING: Start tracing process 14968 (/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx)...
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d (unknown; retry with -DDEBUG_UNWIND)'
WARNING: DWARF expression stack underflow in CFI
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d kernel'
WARNING: _stp_read_address failed to access memory location
ERROR: Array overflow, check MAXMAPENTRIES near identifier 'bts' at <input>:17:13
WARNING: Number of errors: 1, skipped probes: 26
WARNING: Skipped due to global '__global_bts' lock timeout: 26
WARNING: Skipped due to reentrancy: 1
WARNING: /usr/bin/staprun exited with status: 1
Pass 5: run failed.  [man error::pass5]
ERROR: No stack counts found

man stap中查找MAXMAPENTRIES,默认值是2048:

	Maximum number of rows in any single global array, default 2048.  
	Individual arrays may be declared with a larger or smaller limit instead:


[[email protected] app]# ./stapxx/samples/sample-bt.sxx --arg time=20 --skip-badvars -D  MAXSKIPPED=100000 -D MAXMAPENTRIES=100000 -x 10730 >resty.bt
WARNING: Start tracing process 14968 (/usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx)...
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d kernel'
WARNING: Missing unwind data for a module, rerun with 'stap -d (unknown; retry with -DDEBUG_UNWIND)'
WARNING: DWARF expression stack underflow in CFI
WARNING: _stp_read_address failed to access memory location
WARNING: Time's up. Quitting now...(it may take a while)
WARNING: Number of errors: 0, skipped probes: 41
WARNING: Skipped due to global '__global_bts' lock timeout: 41
WARNING: Skipped due to reentrancy: 62


  1. Web开发平台OpenResty(三):火焰图性能分析
  2. Kong的性能瓶颈分析方法


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